Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Now Playing: Thor : The Dark World

You. know, I love a certain Mr. Hiddleston in his turn as Loki.  And when I say love, I mean a deep fangirl devotion.  Thor: The Dark World only served to cement this (bordering-on) obsession.  I mean, everything about this character is made for me to fall in love: cunning, funny, charming, evil-but-really-good-maybe... checkcheckcheck! Sigh.  and he wears a cape like he owns it.

Oh yeah, so the movie.  It was solid.  Very entertaining and an excellent addition to the Avengers saga.  4 out of 5 stars.

A couple of other standout moments:
1) The badass ladies, Frigga and Lady Sif.  Seriously, if it were possible to cast them as warrior women from Themyscira, DC should jump on the chance.  And the writers didn't hold them back either.

2) Kat Dennings.  I love this girl. She steals almost every scene she's in and makes her older sister seem, well, bland. 

Honestly, poppets, I watched this last week and it's quickly fading in terms of details.  Except Loki.  Every scene he's in is still crystal clear: the jubilant little skip down the dungeon corridor; the heartbreaking sorrow; the bravado exchange between father and son... the list goes on!  They should give him his own movie.  Seriously. 

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