Wednesday, February 27, 2008

blog by request

It's amazing how I think I'm writing into a void and then I find out that... well, I'm not. It makes me feel loved :) Thank you, gentle readers!

I have been rather lax lately, I will admit it. Between working on The Story (page 110 - holla!) and LilBro's birthday and Book Club and work and The Wire and Veronica Mars, I've been filling my time with everything but the blog. Frankly, I didn't think anyone would notice. Colour me wrong.

On Friday, I went out with my brother's friends to celebrate his birthday. That was a new experience: voluntary association with the Bro and his Bredren. I had a surprisingly good time. Not only did I get to go to my first Hooter's, I got to chill with these "kids" I remembered as punk-ass teenagers. It was a jolt - I'm getting old! As the DD, I couldn't drown my sorrows in this revelation with the aid of a bottle, so I let DJ Dwight distract me. Nothing like screaming "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" to get the adrenaline pumping. If it wasn't for the 20-minutes-before-closing "incident" (involving a chick, a 300-pound guy and my knee), it would have been the perfect night. As it stands, I think LilBro had a great time. I lost my voice.

Saturday was spent recovering. The family came over. There was much yummy food. I played Rock Band and what little was left of my vocal chords bid me adieu.

Sunday: Outdoor Show with Nish. Scoping out hotels/motels/hostels/B&B's for the Big Trip. Sleep.

On Monday, I caught up with my shows: The Wire, jpod, more Mars. There are two episodes (the last two episodes actually) of Deadwood sitting on my desktop. I should really watch them so I can finish off that show. Instead, I'm watching everything but. Perhaps I just don't want to admit that the show is over. It's not that great. It's kind of slow and takes places in the wild west. Not usually my cup of tea. But I started watching it with a friend - watched all thirty-four of the other episodes with him - and it seems sad to me to watch these last two by myself. Like I'm admitting that we're never going to watch TV together again. I'm not ready to go there yet. He's probably already watched them without me.

On Tuesday, I went for a job interview.

Today, I found out I didn't get it. Thank God for Book Club.

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